The purpose of a building inspection is to compare the building and its materials with buildings of similar age and construction.
It sounds basic but there are some important factors here. If you are purchasing a building that is 70 years old, you should not expect it to be in the same condition as a building that is 5 years old from the same area.
Different building standards, levels of maintenance, types of materials and other factors will affect the overall condition of the building. We inspect the building and compare with what we would expect buildings of similar age and construction (which have been maintained appropriately) to be in. After our inspection we will report on any immediate maintenance or repair issues and include photographs of any relevant findings.
We will also provide a building inspection report on the potential future repair and maintenance issues that may be apparent and may affect the building in the foreseeable future.
See some of the problems vendors did not tell purchasers about.
What’s covered in a building inspection?
- 319 point comprehensive checklist
- Our report exceeds the requirements of the Current Australian Standard 4349.1
Our inspections include but are certainly not limited to;
- Roof coverings and flashings including evidence of leaks (current and past)
- Structural cracking
- Leaking gutters & downpipes
- Interior condition report including ceilings, walls & floors
- Potential safety hazards including no-compliant handrails
- Damp issues such as rising damp or penetrating damp
- Wet areas including bathrooms, kitchens and laundry for damp issues
- Surface drainage
- Leaking wet areas such as showers