A Pest Inspection for the purpose of buying or selling a property is a non invasive inspection of all visible areas and timbers focusing on termites (White ants), borers of dry seasoned timber, fungal decay (wood rot) and conducive conditions (things that make the property more attractive to timber pests).
A Pest Inspection from our qualified inspectors covers all accessible areas including:
- Roofing timbers.
- Internal areas (skirtings, door frames, timber window frames etc).
- Under floor areas (where an accessible sub floor is present).
- Garaging (all accessible areas within the garage).
- External areas (fences, trees, landscaping, external timbers around the building).
- Outbuildings (other building’s on the property such as sheds, workshops etc).
Report Master’s Pest Inspectors will provide a report complying with the Australian Standard 4349.3 in an easy to read format including colour photographs of any relevant finding so you can see what the inspector is describing.
See some of the problems vendors did not tell purchasers about.
What’s covered in a pest inspection?
- 176 point comprehensive checklist
- Our report exceeds the requirements of the Current Australian Standard 4349.3
Our inspections include but are certainly not limited to;
- Current or past timber pest activity including termites (white ants) borers and wood decay
- Current or past timber pest damage due to termites (white ants) borers and wood decay
- Damp issues that may be attractive to timber pests such as termites (white ants)
- Conducive conditions (those conditions that increase the risk of future attack)
- Evidence of previous timber pest treatment
- Assessment of the degree of risk as to the potential for future attack.
- Areas checked generally include (pest & building inspections)
- Exterior area including;
- External walls
- Weep holes & vents
- Lintels
- Windows
- Damp proofing materials
- Interior areas including;
- Ceilings
- Walls
- Windows
- Doors
- Floors
- Woodwork
- External roof area (Building Inspection)
- Internal roof area (Pest & Building Inspection)
- Subfloor area (Pest & Building)
- Site including driveways/paths and sheds (Building)